PP2-32-100-4 Pneumatic Dovetail Routing Machine
Free-standing version with solid cast table and large working surface at a comfortable working height. With four router units which router two work-pieces on each machine cycle, each with two dovetail slots, for Hoffmann Key sizes W-1/2/3/4. Finely adjustable router spindle centres from 32 mm to 100 mm. When routing cornice profiles the inner and outer sets of routers can be set at different routing heights.
Actual machine available in operation
This video shows the PP2-32-100 model which has the two clamps as opposed to the 4 on the PP2-32-100-4
The automatic machine cycle is actuated by pressing the footpedal. The positioned work-piece is clamped and the units rout to the pre-set depth and then return to their home position. The work-piece is then released. The centre-fence and the routing depth are selected manually. The router crosscentres are positioned manually with the aid of a lead screw and digital counter.
Photo’s of the available machine